Principle Feature
Hall Effect Close Loop Current Sensor develops on the principles of the Magnetore sistive or Hall effects, and the null balance or zero magnetic flux method.
Primary current Ip provides the magnetic flux which will be balanced by a complementary flux produced by driving a current through the secondary winding, so the positive and negative magnetic field reaches balance to detect the current.
In other words, the secondary current, IS, creates a flux equal in amplitude, but opposite in direction, to the flux created by the primary current.This current can be expressed as a voltage by passing it through a resistor.
● Closed loop
● Supply voltage: DC +3.3V
● Capable measurement of currents: DC, AC,pulse with galvanic isolation between primary circuit and secondary circuit.
● High accuracy
● Very good linearity
● Low temperature drift
● Optimized response time, no insertion losses
● Low power consumption
● Can be customized
● The application of variable frequency electrical appliances
● AC/DC variable-speed drive
● Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
● Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
● Inverter applications

For Example

Photovoltaic (PV) Current Applications
Servo Drive, AC/DC Variable-speed Drive
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS)
Inverter Applications
Over Current Protection and Current Monitoring of Electronic Circuits